A variety of linguistic solutions are available to suit the needs of clients from various backgrounds and industries.
Clients receive Russian to English* translations of the absolute highest quality. Translation is a complete service which includes proofreading and quality control. At the end of the production process, clients receive texts which are immediately ready for publication (online or print) and don’t require any additional editorial work.
Copy Editing
Copy editing is checking an original English text for grammar, spelling, punctuation and other mechanics of style and implementing corrections. It may also involve checking texts for consistency and verifying information. Sometimes, texts need to undergo a lot of editing in order to produce perfect finished texts. The amount of corrections required can be so extensive to the point that large portions of the text simply have to be re-written. Naturally, these projects are quite time-consuming and are billed at an hourly rate.
The final step in the editorial process, proofreading is reading a text (either originally written in English or a translation from another language) to ensure correct spelling, flawless use of punctuation, and to resolve minor grammatical errors. By definition, proofreading a text that was translated from another language does not entail checking the final text in relation to the source text. If the meaning of a translated text is not clear during the proofreading process, it means that the text is not suitable for proofreading and actually requires a full-scale bilingual review.
Bilingual Review
A side-by-side comparison of the final text is made with the original document in order to remove any possible translation errors. After the review, the translation will be fully accurate and the English version will say exactly what the original does. This includes making sure that no words or phrases were left untranslated by the original translator, correcting grammar and spelling errors, checking proper names, place names, names of institutions and ensuring that the text is culturally appropriate for the target audience. Bilingual revision is a more comprehensive service than proofreading, which is also included as the final step of the review process. The amount of time required to complete a bilingual review greatly depends on a number of factors, the most important being the quality of the translation and complexity of the original text.
Beyond translation, localization is the process of adapting a product to meet the language, cultural, and other requirements of a specific regional target environment or market. This involves the adaptation of terminology, abbreviations, symbols, units of measurement, currencies, date formats, and other linguistic elements. Websites will be localized from your choice of either American or British English into Canadian English or if you have a Russian website, it can be immediately translated/localized from Russian into Canadian English.
*A note on language variants: English has several geographical variants with slight differences in spelling, vocabulary, and word usage. Clients may choose from either American (US), British (UK), or Canadian English (which combines elements of both US and UK English).